Wednesday, September 15, 2010

'Ghost in the Machine'

So I was browsing's tutorials on 3D & Animation, and I came across this pretty cool article about using a basic figure model, producing it into a movie-type ethereal ghost using Cinema 4d.
Basically, you take your model figure, and with C4D's Mocca 2 and Hair Modules, you are able to add interest and sophistication to the model. The tutorial also states that they would help us explore on which properties would help make our model figure most ghost-like.
It seems like a pretty fun project to work on. Check out the tutorial here!


  1. Very nice choice here Justin, good good good job! GOOD. I like your explanation!

  2. That is really cool. I like your explanation to. The picture is a little creepy and freaks me out but its cool

  3. Um this creeps me out! But this a cool picture. Really like your explanation.

  4. Cool picture and a good explanation.

  5. The blue color is a very nice color. I like the contrast of the blue and black.
